Friday, May 10, 2019

Give your own,, Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Give your own,, - Essay ExampleFor this purpose the steps will be as followsStep-1 most of the erstwhile support staff will accompany Bridget to her new home and if possible try disbursal couple of hours or a day together with her in her new home. This will not notwithstanding make her comfortable in the new environment, but will also assure her about the handiness of easy help when she requires it in future.Step-2 composition revisiting Bridget on the third day, an effort would be made to arrive at note of her experience in the new surroundings, some of the problems that she faced or what made her happy in the new environment. It is worthwhile here to mention that these elaborations must be elicited from her in an informal manner, without permit her be conscious about the feedback.The support syllabus in this case must invite into poster the history of Bridget, her preferences etc. Bridget has suffered quite a lot in the past and she has many more old age ahead for her. T herefore, the support plan must take a long term perspective of the issues with her. While reservations have been expressed about her coming to terms with the alcoholic abuse problem, the fact that she is being allowed to tend back to her flat is an indication enough of her becoming a reformed citizen. Key aspects for her support plan areOften people make use of alcoholic to get rid of tension, isolation and demoralise tendencies. A schedule of activities like routine exercises, visit to market, phone call to the social worker, visit to the auberge etc. must be planned out for Bridget. This will keep her busy enough to take recourse to liquor. Purpose of such a schedule is to make sure that Bridget doesnt come crosswise circumstances like mood swings, involving periods of excessive euphoria or bouts of intense depression.Efforts must also be planned out to locate the whereabouts of her two kids, so that she gets to lead a normal life in times to come.

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