Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Internet, or computers is a new necessity Essay

This paper asserts that the Internet is not a luxury anymore in everyday life, hence it is has become a new necessity and that the Internet today benefits many aspects of life physically, economically and socially. This paper will prove these assertions with evidence and counterarguments by overcoming by at least one argument that may forwarded against. Starting with physical reason, it is argued by some that Internet is should only be used by those in the office and those who have the luxury of time and money. Computers which are means to access the Internet are needed only if one has money is the justification of some. This may have been the result a survey conducted for the Americans (Pew Research Center, 2006) where the respondents were all rich and therefore they can afford to have computers that would eventually lead them to have a continuous access in the Internet. If one ask a group of people who have no money, will they then answer the same thing or will they answer that they also need the internet only that they cannot afford? This paper believes the second argument that the lack of money in the meantime is equivalent to absence of need. This is argument may be the result the of movement to give one laptop for each child by a non government organization despite the utter lack of money of every child to have the access to the internet. The hidden reason is the indispensability of having to be linked to the world to benefit from the knowledge economy. The lack of money should not be therefore a reason recognize that the need is not there. To further support this counter argument is the belief that a hungry man who cannot afford to eat does not mean that he or she does not need the food the food anymore. What the hungry do is to find the means in order to have that food. For economic reason, it is argued by some that access to the Internet via computers should only be accessed by those who have financial transactions via the network. The internet is supposed to facilitate business communications among those who are into it like the banks. The said argument misses the point of having to have access in the Internet. Who else will not need the banking industry this time? If one belongs to a third world country and waits for a cash remittance from a first world country, does he or she not know that the money will have to pass through the Internet that links the banks around the world. In case the remitter and the expected recipient will encounter a problem with the remittance, will they not require the use of the Internet to facilitate the communication? If this happened before, they can talk via phone but this time a cheaper mode is available. They can chat in the Internet and they can solve their problem from there. That point of this counter argument is that business entities use the Internet, the public will have to follow using the same because that is demanded by the need of the times. It may be explained that the banking industry are interlinked around the world, hence to say that they are not interlinked is shortsightedness. Investors from richer countries of the world are pouring their investments in poorer countries too with the expectation of the developing the market. What will this rich investor’s do is to employ people from these poor countries and the moment these workers have financial capacity, they will immediately become members of the financial community that lives on computers and the Internet. With communications to have become cheaper, the Internet has employed many which afforded people to better educate them selves. Because of the Internet, people can now study online and can transact online. Shall not the better education and better communication caused by the Internet then? For social reason, Hertlein and Sendak (n. d. ) also argued that increasingly a part of everyday life, the Internet allows users to develop online interpersonal relationships and this resulted to breach of relationships and trust and commitment of previously existing assumed romantic relationships. They thus argued for Internet infidelity resulting from these breaches. They also noted that fact that as the Internet has the ability to affect the structure, timing, and rhythm of relationships, it also inherently affects the manner in which a couple defines intimacy in a way that couples who once felt that they were close and connected may now struggle with a new set of rules and codes of conduct that are ambiguous and upon which they may not agree under the present level of technology using the Internet. Seeing the effect of such change on interpersonal relationships, they saw the effect of a â€Å"compromised intimacy and a devaluing of the primary relationship, potentially cascading into other significant problems. † (Hertlein and Sendak, n. d. ). It may be counter-argued however that what may have been termed as internet infidelity may infer that as an increased freedom to communicate and express oneself because freedom allows so. It cannot be argued that the Internet cause infidelity because it is the human person who made the choice to communicate for more freely to other people. To justify their points, Hertlein, and Sendak said that the paradoxical nature of online relationships has been noted by many where they illustrated cases of people engaged in online relationships that can choose to present a detached attachment. They explained that Internet allows for immediacy of communication and interaction while maintaining anonymity thus allowing transmittal of confessional self-disclosure. This, the authors found causes â€Å"elements of a disembodied corporeality, easily abandoned high investment and strictly private proclamations of the union. † (Hertlein and Sendak,n.d. ) Again this appears to be short sighted interpretation of the use of the Interne since it is still the human person who will make a choice and not the Internet. It may be argued that people make choices not the Internet. As further evidence against the use of the Internet, Hertlein, and Sendak found flirting in use of the Internet, masturbations committed online (Hertlein and Sendak , n. d). They cited Maheu and Subotnik who found flirtation leads to erotic satisfaction â€Å"as there is a mental ability to disassociate the online sex with anything having to do with a person’s real life. † (M Mahu & R Subotnik, 9) They also cited research estimates that about 20% of Internet users while online to have engaged in some sexual activity (Cooper, Scherer, & Mathy, 2001). On a balancing note, as counterargument against the use of the Internet, Hertlein, and Sendak (n. d. ) cited that benefits from the use of the Internet such as the shift to better intellectual and emotional relationships of individuals due to individuals’ greater appreciation for online relationships. They cited a study, where participants reported greater levels of satisfaction with their online relationships than with their face-to-face relationships (Underwood, H & B Findlay, 127-140). They also noted greater freedom to express feelings that could not be done in non-virtual relationships specially the for men. Before one knows it one is confession all sorts of things in the Internet and it is good for people psychologically. Good relationships may be produced in the net because of more freedom to express oneself or the result of an incontrovertible marketing of the self. In ace-to-face communication, one who engages in a relationship must in many aspects expose one’s identity to be potentially judged and the self cannot escape the agony of embarrassment. But in the Internet one can do many things like disguising in many names but with the eventual benefit of self discovery and more psychologically matured to face the world. Thus, Hertlein, and Sendak found that Internet users shape personal demographic information to be in better compliance with what they assume to be others’ version of the ideal mate that in so doing, a person may better come to understand how one’s own being can change. With the anonymity therefore afforded on the Internet that enhances one’s ability to promote any chosen identity, experimentation with different identities has become familiar commonly understood and practices by many in the Internet. What is the effect of all this is the social construction of self as highlighted and elevated? (Hertlein and Sendak, n. d). This paper has proven that the use of the computer or the Internet has become a necessity physically, economically and socially. The arguments forwarded against were overcome by contrary evidence. The physical reason that only in the office have need of the internet has almost made everybody not able almost able to live without the computer or the Internet because it is those who have the resources who make the world running by forcing almost every to see the benefits of the technology. One cannot refuse money passing through the high technology banking using the Internet. One will have to be eventually become part of the banking system of the international communication promoted by the Internet. The economic reasons are obvious. Who does not want cheaper cost of communication and faster way of service? Who would not want to see what is happening in the world when one will have the money to buy even a gadget to have access in the Internet? What would have caused the non-governmental organization to dream for one laptop for each child despite the financial incapacity to acquire one? Should we not rather conclude that there is a strong belief that they the acquisition of knowledge of more knowledge the faster way that will cause intellectual and economic prosperity of these children? There is also enough ground to overcome the argument that that increasingly a part of everyday life, the Internet has allowed the online interpersonal relationships that resulted to breach of relationships and trust and commitment of previously which were romantic relationships before. That the Internet has the ability to affect the structure, timing, and rhythm of relationships, to have affected the couple definition of intimacy in a way that couples who once felt that they were close and connected may now struggle with a new set of rules and codes of conduct that are ambiguous are just sighs of enlightened path for more freedom to intimacy in other forms. It was explained that what may have been termed as internet infidelity is actually a failure to appreciate and adjust to changing reality that people have become more socially adjustable indeed because of the technology. It was thus observed that people engaged in online relationships that can have a detached attachment, immediacy of communication and interaction while maintaining anonymity which transmittal of confessional self-disclosure. The finding by authors of more socially adjusted beings mere pointed to the need to have the technology these days where people could now have parties and occasions even if these people are apart from each other. The argument against by using on line or Internet infidelity is a shortsighted interpretation of the use of the technology as it is basic to understand that it is still the human person who will make a choice and not the Internet. The finding also that online activities resulted to flirtation leading to erotic satisfaction given the mental ability to disassociate the online sex with anything having to do with a person’s real life is just a revelation that man has been doing the same thing in secret with or without the Internet. The Internet was invented to serve mankind and since necessity is the mother of all inventions, one could not but accept the fact the invention has become a necessity. The ever increasing growth of the industry are living proofs Internet is to remain in the lives of many people because not only that the advantages of far outweighs the disadvantages of having the same but the technology come into being because of the need to survive. Economically speaking technology increased production and productivity although population continuously grows. Works Cited:Cooper, Scherer, & Mathy, Overcoming †¦over a 5-year Period’, Journal of Personality & Social Psychology 84(2): 352–64, 2001 D Greenfield, Virtual Addiction. Oakland: New Harbinger Publications, 1999. Hertlein and Sendak, Love â€Å"Bytes†: Internet Infidelity and the Meaning of Intimacy in Computer-Mediated Relationships, n. d. , www document} URL http://www. inter-disciplinary. net/ptb/persons/pil/pil1/hertleinsendak%20paper. pdf, Accessed July 14,2007 M Mahu & R Subotnik, Infidelity on the Internet. Naperville, Illinois: Sourcebooks, Inc. , 2001, p. 9. Nie, N. Sociability, Interpersonal Relations, and the InternetReconciling Conflicting Findings, 2001, Behavioral Scientist, Vol. 45, No. 3, 420-435 (2001)2001 SAGE Publications, {www document} URL , Pew Research Center Luxury or Necessity? Things We Can’t Live Without: The List Has Grown in the Past Decade December 14, 2006, {www document} URL, http://pewresearch. org/pubs/323/luxury-or-necessity, Accessed July 14,2007 Underwood, H & B Findlay, ‘Internet Relationships and Their Impact on Primary Relationship’, Behavior Change, 21/2, 2004, pp. 127-140.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

How to Illustrate the Plate Tectonic Theory Essay

The Plate Tectonic Theory mainly revolves in the idea that the Earth’s crust was made up of rigid and thin plates that are in motion relative to each other. The theory was first proposed during the 1960 and was later on developed by other scientists and geologists to fully explain the logic behind the formation of continents and oceans, as well as volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. Two of the proponents helped in the development of the theory were Alfred Wegener and Arthur Holmes. Wegener was the first to observe the relationship between the shapes of the seven continents. He saw that their shapes fit together, as if they were pieces from a jigsaw puzzle. From here, he built up the continental drift theory, saying that the before, continents were just a mass of a large land, or simply a plate. This landmass drifted apart and turned to smaller parts—the seven continents. However, Wegener had nothing to support the theory, until the day Arthur Holmes suggested his of convection currents. According to Holmes, certain convection cells were the components of the Earth’s mantle. These convection cells are the responsible for the movements of the Earth’s crust through the radioactive heat they dissipate. Because of his discovery, Wegener’s theory was given support and proved to be true. However, how could we really imagine the process behind Plate tectonic? To better illustrate how the Earth’s crust move, an example using a pot of water could be used. Let us assume that the pot of water is the Earth’s mantle. If we would boil the pot of the water, heat would be produced. Let us imagine this heat as the convection cells composing the Earth’s mantle. Through the heat, the pot of water suddenly emits a great amount of energy that could move a material near it. The movements could be divergent, convergent, or transform. In divergent boundaries, the plates are sliding apart from one another. In convergent, though, the two plates are sliding towards one another. Finally, transform boundaries occur when the plates are grinding past one another.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Unit 6 seminar Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Unit 6 seminar - Research Paper Example Letter O is used to depict or rather show or represent measurements. In cases where same measurements or observations are done the O is considered sufficient enough for representation. In another instance where same set of measures is what is given at every point in time in a study the O can be sufficient enough to represent the entire set of measurements. The letter R is used to depict or rather show or represent a group that has been randomly assigned and if the group is not randomly assigned the N is used i.e. for a nonrandom assigned group while C shows groups assigned used cutoff score on a measurement. Measurement and observation – occurs when measurements are not carries out and demonstrations are not done at all hence not ascertaining or having a strong alternate relationship especially for the cause and effect relationship. Maturation is the process that occurs within subjects and act as a function of the passage of time for instance projects that lasts for a few years will have more participants improve on their performance the treatment

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Using the Enron and Northern Rock case studies and with reference to Essay

Using the Enron and Northern Rock case studies and with reference to the accounting, legal and regulatory issues arising in both cases compare and contrast their routes to failure - Essay Example However, according to The Forbes, lack of transparency was the most important reason in comparison to the reckless financial engineering, risk taking, and lending (Denning, 2013). This paper aims to review the two renowned corporate failures including Enron and Northern Rock. The comparison and contrast of the two corporation failures are produced with respect to financial engineering, the role of regulatory bodies, and corporate governance. Enron was established in 1985 as a merger of Houston Natural Gas and InterNorth. The offerings of the company included marketing of electricity and natural gas. The company also offers to the delivery of energy along with other physical commodities to the world. The financial department of the company was offering services for the financial and risk management to a diverse set of customers across the globe (CNN, 2014). The accelerated success of the company in different services made Enron as one of most innovative companies of the world (Moncarz, 2006). Enron operated on two fronts. Firstly, it had footings in almost all aspects of the energy supply chain. This used to provide the company with complete information about the production to distribution aspects. On the other hand, the business had complete information about the order flow. This dual side business marked the real competitive advantage for Enron (Moncarz, 2006). The ability of Enron in managing the risk that initially brought success to the company, however this also became the reason of the demise of the company (Chatterjee, 2003). There were different reasons for the demise of Enron. Some of the most important reasons include; the corporate culture of innovation in operational, financial, and accounting disciplines and exploiting opportunities mainly from deregulated markets for success. It can be analysed as the company introduced special purpose entities to hide mounting debt to equity ratio from stakeholder. This was one of the major reasons for the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Development of film through 20th and into the 21st Century Essay - 1

Development of film through 20th and into the 21st Century - Essay Example By early 1900’s, twenty-four frames per second standardized method became most popular for projecting films. The characteristic discrepancies in filming speeds due to being dependent on cinematographers hand speed saw the process of filming remain unstandardized for a long period. A skilled cinematographer was able to film a complete film at constant speeds; however, variations were made in order to incorporate special effects. Georges Melies, the popular French filmmaker was the first individual to use changing backgrounds and outfits to narrate his story. Prior to that event, most films were short and took place on a single set. His idea on stage opened up a wide variety of new prospects and stimulated growth in the largely green industry. As the film industry spread and wide, American cinematographers thought it wise to find a central location that would serve them better in creating films uninterrupted. California features of bright sunlight, favourable climatic conditions and a wide-ranging terrain made it perfect for filmmakers, and, thus, ended up being their preferred choice. Hollywood, as is commonly known became a chosen heaven for movie creators. Key innovations within this period also played a vital role that propelled Hollywood dominance in the film industry. Hollywood became an audience pleaser, as technological advancements in the use of double reel in filming made it possible to have lengthy films. The two-hour long films replaced the short 30 minutes films. The double reel camera became a darling for filmmakers. The film industry grew exponentially in two fronts, both financially and in creativity. Film producers in Hollywood swiftly learned that movie spectators were attracted to particular artists and film players, the â€Å"movie stars,† who could attract the largest crowds, thus, bringing in a lot of revenue. Colloquially, this is referred to as the â€Å"Star System.† This discovery in Hollywood

Lower Limb Prosthetics Evolution Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Lower Limb Prosthetics Evolution - Article Example Presently, there has been the use of Carbon fiber springs in the prostheses that allows improved shock absorption and mobility without increasing any weight. Additionally, the carbon fiber have allowed active amputees to wear limbs that can help in the absorption of two to four times their total body weight. In 2004, the esteemed international event aided the drive of development of lighter and more functional devices such as the gait-adaptive knee and an artificial limb that can be modified for its users2. There has been the advancement of the technology today where scientists and developed with the advent of microprocessors, robotics and computer chips have allowed amputees to get back to their accustomed lifestyle. United States., United States., & United States. (1984). Journal of rehabilitation research and development. Washington, D.C: Veterans Administration, Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Rehabilitation R & D

Friday, July 26, 2019

Criminal Justice relating to Media Research Paper

Criminal Justice relating to Media - Research Paper Example According to Freedman (2006), â€Å"The belief that media violence is harmful is widespread. In the recent poll conducted in the US, 10% of the people said that television violence is the major cause in the increased number of the crime rate†. Nowadays, media has been the source of violence in the society as media consumption has been continuously rising for the past decade. Media has been a part the human civilization since time immemorial. Hence, society’s dependence on media has been significantly flourished throughout the decade. One particular source of news and entertainment is largely attributed to television programs and the internet. The type of programming contained in news reports, soap operas, family sitcoms, even children’s programs have demonstrated a level of media violence that needs immediate attention especially by the parents or guardians of the kids. This is so true when it comes to children’s cartoon channels. Most of the time, their p arents or guardians fail to monitor what they watch on the television. Cartoon programs were created to entertain young children, but research has shown that a significant value of media violence is attributable to cartoons. On the other hand, the internet has also played a substantial role in the proliferation of media violence as seen in computer games which most of the young kids are fond of. This study shall focus on the violence content that is being shown in children’s programming, while mixing it with the element of humor. â€Å"This helps create that illusion that violence is fun and largely without any negative consequences. The unpunished violence perpetrated by attractive heroes provides the best description for encouraging imitation of violent scripts and adoption of pro-violence beliefs and attitudes† (Gentile 2003). Content of Violence in Children’s Programs Violence has been used as a key factor to make the audience glued to the television. With t he presence of humor and combined with violence, the audience’s attention will be fixed watching the program from beginning to end as a form of entertainment. â€Å"The recent studies have shown that the average American child witnesses more than 10,000 violent crimes, which include murder, rape and assault each year on television; and about 200,000 violent crimes by the time they are in their teens†. Percentage of Violent Television Programs by Content and Program Genre In a study conducted by NTVS in 1998, it was shown that excessive violence was defined as nine or more acts of violence in a given program. Program Genre TYPE OF VIOLENT CONTENT ALL CHILDREN’S COMEDY DRAMA MOVIES MUSIC VIDEOS REALITY EXCESSIVE VIOLENCE 32 31 5 40 59 3 17 FANTASY VIOLENCE 45 87 14 11 19 12 0 PUNISHMENT OF BAD PERPETRATORS 55 59 47 66 56 27 45 LONG-TERM NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCES 16 6 8 33 33 10 7 SHORT-TERM NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCES 55 67 44 49 49 41 47 NO NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCES 29 26 48 1 8 17 49 45 VIOLENCE WITH BLOOD OR GORE 14 1 1 21 24 9 16 VIOLENCE WITH HUMOR 42 68 89 16 32 14 8 USE OF GUNS 26 12 15 41 33 18 45 USE OF BODY AS A WEAPONS 39 43 53 31 39 56 25 REPEATED PERPETRATOR 61 58 51 59 63 62 71 OVER-ALL PROPORTION OF PROGRAMS WITH VIOLENT CONTENT 61 67 37 75 89 53 39 Therefore, in view of the foregoing study conducted b

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Sharing Ideas through the Internet Research Paper

Sharing Ideas through the Internet - Research Paper Example Sharing Ideas through the Internet Due to the ease of access, some people possess impure intentions as they log onto cyberspace with everyone else. Communication and information sharing are two of the internet’s greatest advantages. Sharing of information and ideas across localities, countries, time zones, and computers occurs over the internet. This sharing allows multi-national corporations to keep projects going all the time by moving it between stations of work electronically by using the internet. Communication can occur through e-mail, file sharing, or instant messaging. The internet can now be used to make telephone calls via a process that is known as Voice over Internet Protocol, or VOIP. Sharing ideas over the internet also enhances play. Sharing of videos, pictures, and music over the internet with a worldwide audience enhances information sharing, allowing individuals to preview new music free. Website hosted games are also available for people across the world, enabling someone in Australia to play with an Austrian. Online gambling and dating are two popular attractions to the internet. However, sharing of ideas over the internet possesses a dark side. If one is capable of covering their cyber address, then they become tempted to carry out things they would not normally do such as spread malicious information and pornographic material. In addition, people with technical knowledge and skills may compromise unsuspecting users sharing information on the internet, which they may use to infect your correspondent’s computer with malicious software. ... However, this paper seeks to prove that by, taking proper precautions, one’s internet experience, could prove enriching, with the pros far outweighing the cons. Social networking and potential for collaborations brought about by blogs; provide a decidedly human side to the publicizing of ideas and information (Bruns & Jacobs 4). Via the personalization of content, blogs do much more than play an informative role. They provide a platform for expression, deliberation, and debate. Blogs have come to replace outdated personal websites and email lists as vehicles for the idea and information exchange, giving authors an opportunity to connect with their audience in ways that would have been impossible before. At the same time, they retain control over their space’s creative space. The blogosphere is unique due to its structure as a fluctuating, decentralized, and distributed ad hoc network of personalized websites that inter-create, interact, and interrelate with each other. Herein lays the power of blogging. Rather that the individual blog, it is the tapping of thousands of weblogs collective power that brings about the emergence of blogosphere’s â€Å"magic†. Blogs enable weblogs to become more than its part’s total. Anyone with access to the internet in this environment can participate in idea and information exchange, with the low level of entry barriers and lack of a central authority to grant accreditation or publishing rights ensure that bloggers are not prevented from linking or responding to ideas or information found on or off-line (Bruns & Jacobs 5). In a time of value system redefinition, global threats, and competing belief networks, bloggers now have the opportunity to question their view on issues, as well as grasp some sense of hope and

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Non Traditional Health Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Non Traditional Health Care - Essay Example Conventional medicine does have limits due to restricted fields of specialization in medical science. For this reason, medical practice has turned to holistic approaches. In 1991, the U.S. Congress ordered the setting up of the Office of Alternative Medicine under the National Institutes of Health. This measure reflects the adoption of alternative medicine and health care, including iridology, reflexology, acupuncture, naturopathy, yoga, music therapy, etc. Non-Traditional Health Care in Arizona Much like other states of the nation, Arizona has a pluralistic culture. Its over five million population boasts of European, Asian, Mexican and Latin-American immigrants. It is also unique for its very large Indian population of more than 14 tribes in 20 reservations. It is therefore not surprising that the U.S. Government has recognized its responsibility to these peoples, including provision of health care in various forms. In 1955, the Public Health Service formed the Indian Health Servic e (IHS) in Tucson to serve the Pascua Yaqui Tribe of Arizona.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The importance of recruitment and selection of sales people Essay

The importance of recruitment and selection of sales people - Essay Example Effective recruitment involves the identification of certain qualities which spell success. Certain people are imbued with that quality of good salesmanship and have the ability to out forth that quality of sincerity and integrity that certain people are imbued with that quality of good salesmanship and have the ability to out forth that quality of sincerity and integrity that encourages customers to purchase a product. The focus of good recruitment is in matching the capabilities, talents and skills of a particular candidate with the demands and requirements for the job. There must be transparency and uniformity in the recruitment process, in order to identify the most meritorious candidates available for a sales job. The manner in which the recruitment is carried out will affect the kind of candidates who get selected finally. During the process of recruitment, the selectors need to match up the best candidate for the job by an evaluation of the needs of the job and the qualities o f the candidate, in order to determine which candidate is best likely to fulfill the needs of the job.

Monday, July 22, 2019

USSR, Poland, Hungary Essay Example for Free

USSR, Poland, Hungary Essay The beginning of the 1990s marked profound economic and social stagnation of the former Communist states. That stagnation was the result of the deep and anticipated economic transformations following the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe. The administrative command system and its economic and social inconsistence has become the major driver of the economic stagnation in Europe: the system of centralized planning and administration was not really an economic system at all (Hall Elliott, 1999). The soviet-oriented economy did not maximize wealth, but rather maximized the utility function of the then political elites (Hall Elliott, 1999). The goal of the communist economy was not to improve the product, to increase customer satisfaction, or to increase profit margins; on the contrary, the centralized decisions were taken to further maximize the military power of the eastern European states, and to enhance the responsiveness of economy to centralized control (Maital, 2003). The low intrinsic value of money, excess demand, and centralized control over natural resources have led to the situation when national population was socially dissatisfied, politicized, and subject to central decision-making models. Those economic conflicts and social dissatisfaction have ultimately caused to the general collapse of communism across Europe. In their post-communist economic development, Poland, Russia, and Hungary followed similar economic patterns, although Poland remains the brightest example of the post-soviet economic and social success. At the beginning of the 1990s, Polish GDP was declining faster than that in Russia and Hungary, but Poland was able to regain its economic positions faster than its European counterparts: Poland experienced smooth transition from centrist to liberal political coalition that implemented mature economic reforms (Maital, 2003). Russia greatly suffered the worsening demographic indices and life expectancy, but was able to quickly restore after the 1998 crisis for the account of the constantly growing oil prices (Algieri, 2007). In Hungary, the recycling of parties could potentially undermine all efforts to transform Hungarian command economy, but economic plans in Hungary remained quite liberal in content and consequences (Swaan Lissowska, 2006). Poland, Russia and Hungary have already accomplished much to merge with the rest of the European states. Evidently, the coming decade will mark further â€Å"economic reconciliation† between post-communist and developed European economies, in which Russia, Poland, and Hungary will have more decision-making powers. â€Å"As the reforms proceed, the individuals, organizations and regions that are successfully adapting and becoming better off economically are an emerging constituency for the continuing reforms. This emerging constituency will be associated with the creation of new firms rather than with the transformation of existing firms. † (Algieri, 2007) That means that further democratization and liberalization will help post-communist countries find their place in the international economy and market. References Algieri, B. (2007). Trade specialization dynamics in Russia. Comparative Economic Studies, 49: 74-76. Maital, S. (2003). Russia and Poland: the anatomy of transition. Challenge, 36 (2): 80-85. Swaan, W. Lissowska, M. (2006). Capabilities, routines, and East European economic reform: Hungary and Poland before and after the 1989 revolutions. Journal of Economic Issues, 40 (4): 8-22. Hall, T. Elliott, J. E. (1999). Poland and Russia: One decade after shock therapy. Journal of Economic Issues, 33 (2): 182-197.

America in the 1920s Essay Example for Free

America in the 1920s Essay In 1919, soldiers from World War One returned back to America and were not used to society. Many Americans wished for normalcy and believed the United States should go back to the way it was before the war. President Warren Harding was most popular for his promised actions toward normalcy. After becoming President, Harding did not change much of America and also died of a heart attack eight hundred and eighty one days into office. The main objective of normalcy was to get rid of fear from WWI and fears from future wars. The act of prohibition upon Americans, the delivery of a new mass culture, and changes in social conflicts marked the 1920s, in many ways. With all of these new inventions and ideas being made, there were still some ideas like the rebirth of prohibition that did not succeed. During the 1920s, women and children created a prohibition to stop the unnecessary abuse of alcohol. The first attempt at a prohibition was the Temperance Movement of the 1800s. It was an organized effort to end alcohol abuse and all of the problems it created. Women and children were suffering because of husbands and fathers abusing alcohol. In the times of WWI, a support for prohibition grew again. Veterans who were having problems when returning home from battle began to abuse alcohol to cope. The main goal of prohibition was to cut down on drunkenness. Without alcohol, there would be fewer accidents at work because people sober people have more awareness and coordination. The first effect of prohibition was it becoming the eighteenth amendment in the U. S. The prohibition created bootleggers who would secretly make and transport the alcohol illegally. With the supply of alcohol, speakeasies began to occur where secret clubs and parties would happen illegally. The growth of organized crime developed in cities. Local gangs began to supply alcohol to speakeasies. This organization of gangs started to encourage prostitution, gambling, and fighting again. The mobs became so powerful and wealthy that they could remain free of crimes by simply paying off the police. The Amendment did not last long because in 1933, prohibition was ended in America. The stop to prohibition was known as the twenty first Amendment. Even with most people in the city still drinking, there was a reduced amount of alcoholism and related deaths overall which led to new ideas and a new mass culture. In the 1920s, several forms in culture like music, movies, radio broadcasts, art, and literature began to spread across the U. S. Soldiers were returning from WWI scared and lacking sources of happiness. There was a need for new inventions and for the American citizens to feel happy again. A type of entertainment available at the time was movies without words and would only play music in the theater. Another kind of entertainment was radios, but they did not have any broadcasting stations. The newest craze in music was Jazz. Jazz would come from African American roots with improvisation, syncopation, and usually a regular or forceful rhythm. Harlem, New York became the capitol of Jazz with over five hundred clubs. The most famous club was the Cotton Club. Movies became one of the most popular types of entertainment in the 1920s. At the time, eighty million tickets were being purchased per week. The movie industry quickly grew to the fourth largest industry in the U. S. The first talkie, or movie with words, was the â€Å"Jazz Singer,† starring Al Jolson. In 1924, the Hollywood Land sign was built to reflect on the success of the movie industry. Radios were not a new device in 1920, but had new features that would change the world forever. The first radio broadcast was KDKA in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. Stations involved with the broadcasts were CBS and NBC. Citizens would listen to music, jokes, and shows from NBC on their radios. All the new forms of culture from African Americans is however what sparked all the racial problems and discrimination in the North and the South. During the 1920s, many changes in society like the challenge on religious beliefs, the possible truth and explanations of science, and lack of equality for all races were put into play. The prior religion of America has been closely linked to Christianity. The nation was founded itself off of Christianity. Fundamentalism is what interpreted the bible as truth, rather than science. Besides religion, inequality was a big problem in America. Slaves were African Americans in the U. S. since the 1600s. During the times after the Civil War when the South lost, the Ku Klux Klan began to terrorize the African Americans. In the 1920s, people began to question their God or Gods. The truth of the bible was also being questioned. Many Americans were still against the belief that a God does not exist. Another part of the science versus religion was the Scopes Trial. John Scopes taught the theory of evolution in a Tennessee Science class. 22 States did not allow teaching against the bible in the 1920s. The case was taken all the way to the Supreme Court and was ruled in favor of Scopes. In the 1920s, there was a rebirth of the KKK and the development of other organizations. Violence began in the North and South against African Americans; this was odd because the North was usually with the African Americans. The Africans faced discrimination, lynching, and the threats from the KKK. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and Marcus Garvey’s establishment of the Universal Negro Improvement Association were organizations trying to stop discrimination towards the blacks. The extreme amounts of racism and discrimination that is in American heritage during the 1920s cannot be covered up. The 1920s of America were influenced by prohibition, a new mass culture, and social conflicts. In the 1920s, Prohibition was established in an attempt to rid America of alcohol because of its unnecessary effects of gambling, prostitution, accidents, and fighting. Several new forms of entertainment came out like talking movies, new forms of art, Jazz music, and radio broadcasts. Several social conflicts in the U. S. like racism and discrimination happened in the U. S. Even though the 1920s was filled with unforgettable racism and discrimination, it still was marked as one of the most economically boosted periods of U. S. history.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

what an overall research methodology is

what an overall research methodology is This section discussed what an overall research methodology is and why and what research tools and methods has been adopted to gain and analyze results. The chapter begins with the research purpose which is followed through the research philosophy, research approach then research strategy and data collection method. There is a fixed aim and objectives in this research which have to be response hence it is really important to categorize approaches and procedures which is used by a researcher for the research accomplishment. 3.2 Research purpose According to Burns, R. (2000) researches are methodical and organize investigation to solve problem. Saunders, M. et al., (2003) stated that studies can be classified by purpose or an employed strategy and Yin, R. (2003), Neuman, W. Kreugar, L. (2003) distinguished research purpose as exploratory (explore a new topic), descriptive (describe a social phenomena) and explanatory (explain why something happen). Saunders, M. et al., (2003) add that it is likely to have more than one purpose and approach for research intentions and that purpose possibly change in the course of an investigation. In the view of Cooper, D. Schindler, P. (2003) researches are dissimilar to theories because research techniques could not be correct or wrong but they may be more or lesser valuable in research procedure. The Literature has been establish in relation to knowledge management such as knowledge hierarchy, what is knowledge, types of knowledge, SECI model, elements of knowledge management and its barriers, thus the study have attempted to explain this social phenomenon primarily in a descriptive manner also this study is partly exploratory and explanatory because it explored new review and defined the problems within the research area, by revealing how knowledge is transfer and managed and why components of knowledge management becomes barriers to particular organization. Furthermore compared to developed countries, the term knowledge management is relatively fresh to the third world countries like Pakistan therefore it is sited as exploratory. Saunders, M. et al., (2003) described the focal point in gathering data, rests in the heart of research onion which is encircled by diverse layers (see below figure 3.1) Figure 3.1 Saunders, M. et al., (2003, 2007) 3.3 Research Philosophy Saunders, M. et al., (2007), explained key research philosophy; first positivist approach n which researchers prefer to use current theories to build up hypothesis. Research is undertaken as value free way that means researcher cannot do alter the substance of data collection. It is also distressed with facts not impressions. Second realism, it is part of epistemology, alike to positivism and believes a scientific approach to the development of knowledge. The core of realism is that what the senses prove us as reality in truth. Saunders, M. et al., (2007) believed that realism is relevant for business and management research. And third interpretive approach, conducts research amongst people rather than objects. As the research topic itself greatly complex in nature and cover social aspects therefore it is not possible to answer research question by only yes or no responses. Therefore this research adopted interpretive approach where researcher interpreted the social roles of individual and concerned with middle and senior managers initiatives of knowledge management which boost performance of individual and group. The underpins of interpretive approach is gathering of data and then understanding of these data which is influenced by societal forces, individuals behavior and attitude. 3.4 Research Approach Different approaches can be use for research for instance; deductive or inductive. Deductive research begins with existing theories, concepts and formulates hypothesis that are later tested and confirmed (Gummesson, E. 2000, Saunders, M. et al., 2003). An inductive research begins with the real world data, it deals with anthology of data and then theory is erected from it (Gummesson, E. 2000, Saunders, M. et al., 2003). According to Blumberg, B. et al., (2005) we can never be confident in an inductive approach because it cannot be considered as faultless. This research adopt a deductive approach as the research will progress from the general theories to a more precise observation of the research topic and question. That means overall end result of this research cannot be generalized because observation is totally stand on specific organization and in specific period of time also deductive approach offering opportunity to confirming validity and reliability of facts. Deductive approach = Theory > Observations/findings Inductive approach = Observations/findings > Theory 3.5 Research Strategies Saunders, M. et al., (2007) described various research strategies which are useful to apply when gathering and analyzing empirical facts such as; experimentation, survey, case study, grounded theory, ethnography and action research. Which research strategy should apply depends on the nature, central point, scope, admittance, restrictions and existing sources for research, however Yin, R. (2003) provides three conditions to be relevant in order to choose which strategy to employ for research purpose: The kinds of research question asked. To what extent researcher has control over actual behavioral affairs or events. The degree of focus on contemporary, as apposed to historical, events. 3.6 Case study The appropriate strategy for this research is case study because the kind of research questions being asked how (they were implemented), why (they were taken) with what (results) forms, although what and how questions tend to be more the distress of the survey strategy. The case study strategy is mainly a lot used in explanatory and exploratory, and this research has already claimed it in the research purpose (see section 3.2) (Saunders, M. et al., 2007). The case study strategy, as acknowledged by Robson, C. (2002) preferable because researcher do not have control over events and it permits researcher to achieve strong viewpoint surrounding the research area and its development, it also occupies an empirical analysis of a particular phenomenon within its actual life context by several sources of evidence. Sauder, M. et al., (2007) suggested that if you are employing case study strategy you are probably need to use and triangulate several sources of data. Triangulation refers to the use of diverse data collection methods within one study such as interviews, observations, documentary analysis, questionnaires etc. in sequence to make certain that the data are telling you what you think they are telling you. In this research the qualitative data collected by using semi-structure interviews which is precious way of triangulating quantitative data collected by other means such as a questionnaire (details of data collection techniques discussed in section 3.8). According to Neuman, W. Kreugar, L. (2003) the majority of case studies entail qualitative data and nearly all qualitative research seeks to build illustrations based on it depth, detailed knowledge of cases, the qualitative and quantitative research approach discussed in the section 3.8.1 and 3.8.2 3.7 Time horizons Time scopes to research design are independent of which research strategy and method follow. Saunders, M. et al., (2007) proposed that while planning your research it is vital to know that whether the research is to be a cross-sectional (complete at a specific time) or longitudinal (complete in a prolong time period). Due to the time constrain this study has helped researcher to assemble questionnaire results and conduct interviews at once and these cannot be repeated, so the information collected by this manner will correspond to declaration of research over that time period which means that this research is Cross-sectional or completed on specific time. 3.8 Research method Research method or research design refers to organized, determined and rationally accumulation of data not only for analyzing purpose but for attaining information to resolve research questions. The preference of methods depends upon research problem and purpose and those methods cannot be worded as more suitable or appropriate. There are two fashionable methods: qualitative and quantitative. In the view of Ghauri, P. Gronhaug, K. (2005) the differentiation between qualitative and quantitative research has nothing to do with quality but it is related to procedure. 3.8.1 Qualitative method Qualitative research is one in which researcher frequently formulates knowledge claims based on constructivist perspective i.e. various meaning of individual experiences and measuring socially. Densombe, M. (2003) emphasized that qualitative research mostly focus on description, it employs words or experience as unit of analysis and when the study connected with small scale studies. Often the analysis phrase does not begin, although not always begins as soon as data collection starts. Strauss, A. Corbin, J. (1990) defined key elements of qualitative research are: Data gather by interviews. logical practices to conceptualize and assess data toward conclude findings Report written by researcher. According to Cooper, D. Schindler, P. (2003) qualitative data perceive as rich, complete, earthly, holistic and genuine, their face validity looks perfect and it also offers far more accurate method to assess. The drawbacks of qualitative data include; they are irrelevant to wider population and not statistically checked. 3.8.2 Quantitative method The nature of the quantitative approach is objective and focus on determining phenomenon (Hussey, J. Hussey, R. 1997). Questionnaires and surveys constitute quantitative research in which all questions are laid down in arrangement of Yes or No or likert scale and then assessed by statistical methods. Naude, P. et al., (1991) stated that quantitative methods are mathematical and statistical form, relates to numerous variable and their relationship. In quantitative research it is possible to analyze data when the data collection has been finished. The key advantage of quantitative approach; it is produces quantifiable and reliable data which is by and large relevant for vast population. It is more applicable for carrying out needs evaluation or for estimations contrasting conclusions with baseline records. The main cons of quantitative method; it is expensive and time consuming procedure but according to Robson, (C. 2002) softwares developed in modern world have made analysis of compl ex calculations easy to perform. 3.8.3 Mix Method In this research, researcher adopted both qualitative and quantitative methods because the research accumulated both types of data, that is minimized the limitations of each other. Data were collected from the questionnaires and interviews. It is crucial to have questionnaire in this research to explore individual working pattern in organization and their approaches to knowledge management. An additional positive characteristic of questionnaire; it is supported researcher in studying how individual employs theory into practice. Denscombe, M. (2003) declared that the combination of methods permit superior understanding of research problem as it helps retrieval of quantitative results from questionnaires which followed qualitative stuff like semi-structured interviews of senior managements which further revealed organizational and individual behavior and social functions. 3.9 Data collection methods In this research, the overall data collection process began from collecting secondary data in the form of literature review to the primary data which was gathered by researcher via survey questionnaires and taken interviews. Secondary data searched in the University of Glamorgan, Learning Resources Centre by typing the keyword; knowledge economy, knowledge management, barriers to knowledge management and components of knowledge management etc. These secondary data mostly reflects from textbooks, journal articles, magazines and websites to facilitate research objectives. As compare to primary data the most important benefit of exploiting secondary data is the gigantic saving in time and money resources (Ghauri, P. Gronhaug, K. 2005). 3.9.1 Questionnaire Questionnaire is one of the data collection methods where all respondents are required to respond similar questions in a specific order provided to them furthermore Saunders, M. et al., (2007) declared that questionnaire supports to analyze of individual responses more comprehensively. The key purpose of designing questionnaire in this research was to get substance of knowledge management approaches and current circumstances of knowledge management in the organization. The questionnaire was based on particular subject matters such as knowledge management with its basic components (People, Process, Technology and Culture) and barriers to knowledge management. According to Dillman, D.A. (2000) three kinds of data variable collected via questionnaire. Opinion Behavior Attribute First the way the research questionnaire was design in this research, is to get opinion what respondents feel about something or what they think or believe is true or false, second to record respondents behavior and experiences by what they did, do and will do through their attribute. Attribute include data about the respondents characteristics. Saunders, M. et al., (2007), classified two way of administer research questionnaire: (i) Interviewer-administered (the responses are recorded by researcher for e.g. market research). (ii) Self-administered (usually completed by respondents). This research employed self-administered questionnaire because the researcher has less amount of contact with the respondents and questionnaires simply filled by respondents. These questionnaires were administered via electronic web application ( Various advantages have been experienced by using electronic web survey tools such as; ease of automatic data entry, set occasional reminders for respondents, easy to analyze data through pie chart, line or bar chart etc. moreover respondents can complete questionnaires by multiple sitting or save their unfinished response. Yin, R. (2003) suggested that questionnaires diminish bias due to uniform question, even researchers own opinions does not influence respondent to answer questions in a certain manner which turn into actual facts. Although there are number of disadvantages associate to questionnaire as well for e.g. it take immense time to prepare questions, questionnaire possibly opt out or partially submit, it mig ht redirect to subordinates or fellow employees to fill out. Particularly in this research there is no opportunity for researcher to reword the phrases or further explain once the survey launched. The entire respondents were given guaranteed of anonymity (Easterby-Smith, M. et al., 2008). Respondents were given 20 days time to complete questionnaire and on an average it took 10-15 minutes to fill one questionnaire. Each questionnaire contains 25 questions including three different forms of questions; (i) agree disagree statement, (ii) multiple ticks and (iii) open end questions. 3.9.2 Interviews An interview is an intentional dialogue between two or more people. In the view of Saunders et al., (2007) interviews may be highly structured (based on predetermined and identical set of questions which is often called interviewer-administered questionnaire) or unstructured (informal and in depth-interview to explore a general idea) or semi-structured. Another types of interviews described by Healey, M. Rawlinson, M. (1993) standardized interview which is subject to quantitative analysis and non-standardized interviews that is subject to qualitative analysis. Semi-Structure Interviews For this research, semi-structure interviews used as a device for exploring and collecting qualitative data in which interviewer ask questions to interviewee to draw self-reports of their opinions, attitudes, or behaviors in relation to knowledge management. Three interviews were taken from different departments with managerial position. All interviews were recorded with the consent of respondents. Key themes were note down by the researcher as interviews were being conducted and the same questions asked to all interviewees in slightly different packaging, although the overall essence of questions did not change. The researcher conducted all the interviews by himself and further amplification provided during an interview when respondents misunderstand the questions. This clarification was necessary to bring respondents on right track for exploring research topic and research question. The duration of the interview was set up-to maximum 30 minuets. The telephone interviews were employed which is appropriate specifically in this research because of the geological distance and limited time. Also there are no sensitive matters involved which need to discuss via only face-to-face. Various other advantages such as good physical appearance of the interviewer is not require, however Babbie, E. (1995) suggested that interview can be successful if the interviewer is pleasant and kind during an interview. Simultaneously there are several disadvantages associated to telephone interview for example interviewees may lie and hide information. Visual cues and body languages become more difficult to observe. 3.10 Pilot work The reason behind piloting is to spot imperfections in research questions and then rectify it. Before launching questionnaire to real respondent, these questionnaires were initially piloted by sending web link to three classmates. Two problems were identified apart from questionnaire structure and the language used in questionnaire. First respondents got e-mail in their junk or trash folder instead of standard inbox folder which might lead less response rate and second the option to go on next page (next button) does not appear on actual screen which may result in partial response, however at last researcher has been successful to solve these issues by making some setting configurations on web application. 3.11 Sampling In the view of Bell, J. (1987) we do not need to engage each person in relation to study about population. Whereas Gill, J. (1991), described sampling as the population of interest that have been choose for study. Research usually required of those individual who are willing to provide information and these set of individuals known as sample. In this research the research question(s), its objectives, chosen research methodology (quantitative and qualitative) and research strategy (case study) dictate itself to select non-probability samples. Neuman, W. Kreugar, L. (2003) suggested that the majority of qualitative researches likely to employ non probability samples which means that researchers rarely decide the sample size in advance and they have partial awareness about population from which the sample is taken. Saunders et al., (2003) supported that non-probability sample widely used in case study research with small size samples. This sample would provide rich information of case study in which research question is explored. This research has been conducted on Pakistani company; the Company employs almost 150 staffs on several places. It was determined to use Company head office as sample size in this research where nearly 70 employees working on various position including management. Easterby-Smith, M. et al., (2008) stated that the sample selected may possibly bias which might be imitated on end results. To curtail bias and produce true result from this research, altogether fifty questionnaires were launch for employees working on head office irrespective of their age, genders, experiences and departments. Furthermore researcher conducted three interviews with different departmental managers, two of them are male and one is a female. 3.12 Validity Reliability According to McNeill, P. Chapman, S. (2005) validity refers to the dilemma of whether the information gathered is accurate of what is being studied. Denscombe, M. (2003) clarified that validity in a research signify that the mandatory information is studied and not anything more. Validity is when a theory, model and concept explain reality as it shows and it refers to the accuracy in the case study. This research employed both quantitative and qualitative methods which bring a practical, honest and unbiased account of social life from the point of view of someone who lives it each day (Neuman, W. Kreugar, L. (2003). Yin, R. (2003) and Denscombe, M. (2003) point out that reliability in a research reflects on the reality that the study is accomplished consistently and correctly. They suggested that identical conclusions could be attained, if carried out by other observers or under the same conditions. In this research questionnaire and follow up interviews were used to record and analyze data consistently. As the researcher employed telephone interviews which Saunders et al., (2007) believes that take longer time to construct trust between the interviewer and interviewees, visual prompts and non-verbal behavior may also influence the progress of the interview. In the view of Yin, R. (2003) case study strategy enhances the reliability of the research because it enables other researchers to follow the facts or data directly and not be constrained to the printed reports. Furthermore the sample section and methodological in this study may possibly be copied by other investigators to get same results. All the interviewees were consent to record interviews which further interprets our result and conclusion as trustworthy. At last, overall, the following steps were obtained to certify the reliability and validity of this research: The researcher used continuous guidelines from the supervisor for making survey and interview questions in an order to get most acceptable outcomes. All respondents were informed in advance as regards to take part for accomplishing this research. Questionnaires were completed within 20 days and the interviews were taken within 7 days, during these periods of time no key incident happen or changed with the related subject. Data were collected through web based application ( The researcher has no control over the modification of any answers provided by respondents. After finishing interviews, a brief summary of conversations sent to each interviewee by e-mail to make sure that what exactly they want to say and what the researcher understood. Also interviewees were asked if they find any thing which is differing from the point of view of researcher then they can correct it and reply back via e-mail. 3.13 Research ethics Blumberg, et al., (2005) viewed ethics as moral rules and principles, norms, standards or sets of behavior, that lead our relationships with others. Research ethics then narrates to questions about how research topic is plan and elucidate, how data is collected, process and store, how data is analyze and research findings are write up in a moral and responsible way. In this research, number of ethical considerations has been taken into account specially when gathering data through questionnaires and interviews. First the purpose of the study plus respondents participation was clearly explained. Second none of the respondents was intimidated to take part in research process and those who agreed to take part their verbal consent was attained. According to Bell, J. (1987), human rights protections for instance; autonomy from physical and mental hurt, privacy and confidentiality should maintain throughout research. To retain confidentiality no names were connected to data, however the researcher can recognizes which data belongs to whom and the persons name, who interviewed in this research were not displayed.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Roth IRAS or Traditional IRAs :: essays research papers fc

Choosing Between Roth IRAs and Traditional Deductible IRAs The decision is complicated if you're eligible for both types of IRAs. With the creation of the Roth IRA and the liberalized eligibility guidelines for the traditional IRA, the vast majority of individuals are now eligible to make some sort of IRA contribution. IRA Eligibility All but the wealthiest of workers are eligible to contribute to a Roth IRA. Eligibility to make the maximum contribution to a Roth is limited to married couples with adjusted gross incomes of less than $150,000 and single individuals with incomes under $95,000. Smaller contributions are allowed for couples with adjusted incomes up to $160,000 and singles with incomes up to $110,000. Roth IRA contributions aren't deductible, but withdrawals are tax-free once the account has been open more than five years and you're over age 59 1/2. Fewer taxpayers qualify for traditional IRAs, where contributions are deductible, but withdrawals are taxed. But Congress loosened the eligibility requirements to allow many more taxpayers to take advantage of traditional IRAs than in the past. The Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 raised the income-eligibility limits for taxpayers who participate in a 401(k) or are covered by some other employer retirement plan. Before the rules were liberalized by the 1997 tax act, a married couple above the income-thresholds could make deductible IRA contributions only if neither spouse was covered by a retirement plan at work. But this restriction was eased beginning with 1998 returns. If only one spouse is covered by an employer retirement plan, the other spouse will be eligible for at least a partial IRA deduction so long as the couple's joint income is below $160,000. If neither spouse is covered by an employer retirement plan, then both spouses can make deductible contributions to a traditional IRA, no matter how high their income. Roth IRA vs. Traditional IRA The decision about which type of IRA to set up will be a simple one for most higher-income taxpayers who will only be eligible for Roth IRAs, but the decision is complicated if you're eligible for both types of IRAs. There have been numerous articles in the financial press and advertising campaigns by financial institutions extolling the virtues of the Roth IRA. All the ballyhoo has made the advent of Roth IRAs seem like the financial equivalent of the Second Coming. And indeed, many people will find that the ability to make tax-free withdrawals from a Roth IRA is a more valuable tax benefit than getting an upfront deduction for contributions to a traditional IRA.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Warnings in Shakespeares Sonnet 95 Essay -- Sonnet essays

Warnings in Shakespeare's Sonnet 95      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   William Shakespeare is the master of subtle humor and sexual puns.   In his "Sonnet 95," a poem to a blond young man, both are seen while pointing out a couple of realities about sexual sin.   He speaks directly to a young man whose physical beauty compensates for his lack of sexual morality.  Ã‚      Shakespeare would like for this young man to realize that his handsomeness is the sole aspect of his person that prevents absolute disapproval of his behavior in other people, and he also wants him to be aware of the ultimate consequences of his actions.   Through a clever use of diction, imagery, and meter in a typical Shakespearian format, Shakespeare warns his young friend of the risks involved with the overindulgence of sexual activity.    In the first quatrain, Shakespeare presents the young man to the readers by contrasting his beauty and his character.   He tells the young man that he renders "shame" (1) "sweet and lovely" (1).   That is, he is much too handsome to be overshadowed by his questionable conduct.   His "shame" may not be a dominant trait, but it does sneak around behind the scenes "like a canker" (2).   A canker is a nasty internal ulceration, or growth; it is a flaw that cannot be seen in an otherwise beautiful object, such as a "fragrant rose" (2).   This flaw in the young man, sexual vice, may "spot" (3), or taint his image later on in his life, as he is still "budding" (3); he is still young, and there is plenty of time for his reputation to be completely damaged by his sexual impropriety.   This young man is indeed beautiful and he is lucky to have such "swee... slyly and jovially slips in the idea that if the young man is careless, he will spend his allowance of energy before his time comes; that is to say, he will become sexually impotent.   This image is brilliantly conjured up with the picture of a dull knife that will cut no more after years of its owner using it as a hatchet.   The simple lightness of his joke is expressed through the simple evenness of the iambic pentameter throughout the couplet, and its straightforwardness adds to the wryness of the humor.    Works Cited Shakespeare, William. "Sonnet 95." The Norton Anthology of English Literature.   Eds. M. H. Abrams and Stephen Greenblatt. Seventh ed. 2 vols. New York: Norton, 2000. 1:1041-42.    Works Consulted Oxford English Dictionary. Eds. James A. H. Murray, et. al.   Oxford, 1961. Warnings in Shakespeare's Sonnet 95 Essay -- Sonnet essays Warnings in Shakespeare's Sonnet 95      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   William Shakespeare is the master of subtle humor and sexual puns.   In his "Sonnet 95," a poem to a blond young man, both are seen while pointing out a couple of realities about sexual sin.   He speaks directly to a young man whose physical beauty compensates for his lack of sexual morality.  Ã‚      Shakespeare would like for this young man to realize that his handsomeness is the sole aspect of his person that prevents absolute disapproval of his behavior in other people, and he also wants him to be aware of the ultimate consequences of his actions.   Through a clever use of diction, imagery, and meter in a typical Shakespearian format, Shakespeare warns his young friend of the risks involved with the overindulgence of sexual activity.    In the first quatrain, Shakespeare presents the young man to the readers by contrasting his beauty and his character.   He tells the young man that he renders "shame" (1) "sweet and lovely" (1).   That is, he is much too handsome to be overshadowed by his questionable conduct.   His "shame" may not be a dominant trait, but it does sneak around behind the scenes "like a canker" (2).   A canker is a nasty internal ulceration, or growth; it is a flaw that cannot be seen in an otherwise beautiful object, such as a "fragrant rose" (2).   This flaw in the young man, sexual vice, may "spot" (3), or taint his image later on in his life, as he is still "budding" (3); he is still young, and there is plenty of time for his reputation to be completely damaged by his sexual impropriety.   This young man is indeed beautiful and he is lucky to have such "swee... slyly and jovially slips in the idea that if the young man is careless, he will spend his allowance of energy before his time comes; that is to say, he will become sexually impotent.   This image is brilliantly conjured up with the picture of a dull knife that will cut no more after years of its owner using it as a hatchet.   The simple lightness of his joke is expressed through the simple evenness of the iambic pentameter throughout the couplet, and its straightforwardness adds to the wryness of the humor.    Works Cited Shakespeare, William. "Sonnet 95." The Norton Anthology of English Literature.   Eds. M. H. Abrams and Stephen Greenblatt. Seventh ed. 2 vols. New York: Norton, 2000. 1:1041-42.    Works Consulted Oxford English Dictionary. Eds. James A. H. Murray, et. al.   Oxford, 1961.

My Hobby of Fishing Essay examples -- Papers Personal Narrative Hobbie

My Hobby of Fishing One of my favorite hobbies is fishing. Some people regard this as a boring or an old man's sport, but I value it much more than that. If you have never experienced it, I think you are really missing something, and so you can't truly give your honest opinion on the sport. Humans have been captivated with the sea, and catching fish since the beginning of their existence, and the sport has, in many ways evolved hugely, and yet in many aspects has stayed exactly the same. The sport is unique compared to others, and I find it can be anything from a relaxing, to a very intense experience, and every time is different. I was introduced to fishing by my father when I was only 4 years old, and I have been hooked on it ever since. It is one of the few sports that's great for just socializing and friendships, as it breaks down the barriers we might have with one another. There are three main types of fishing; fly fishing, coarse fishing and sea fishing. I started with sea fishing off my uncle's speedboat in The Solent around places like the Needles, but none of us really had any idea what we were doing, and to catch even one fish seemed like a huge success. The first fish I ever caught was, quite surprisingly, a small bass when I was fishing with some bait on a hook just floating off the boat. There is something about catching fish which just gives you such an adrenalin burst and it becomes an addictive experience which you just want to try again and again. The good thing about sea fishing, though, is that most of what you catch you can eat and I find it a lot more enjoyable compared to say coarse fishing where you are... ...snapped free causing the boat to capsize suddenly and all three of us to go overboard. Another great thing about the sport, is that it is so easy to get into, with books, the Internet, tutors and lessons all available, and the gear is easy to get hold of as well, so if you have some spare time, I can seriously recommend taking up the hobby. You won't be disappointed. Text Box: On this occasion coming into the harbour, the seagulls surrounded the boat because of the fish we had onboard. It was just our luck that we caught a fish which came to the surface of the water at that time, and so a seagull dived for it, and we then had a seagull which woulnt let go of the fish so we had to reel them both in, and sea gulls can give quite a nasty nip. My uncle was also quite unnerved at being at the back of the boat with all of these birds flying over.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Order: Non-commissioned Officer and Lawful Orders

Following Lawful Orders Lawful orders are given for a reason and you should always obey them. For starters you should always obey lawful orders because you took an oath to do so when you joined the military. A lawful order must be followed, and done so in a timely manner. If you disagree with a lawful order, you must still follow it; you are required to follow a lawful order before you are permitted to question it. All officers and non commissioned officers appointed over you are held responsible for you and are in the keeping of the traditions and doctrines of the armed forces of the United States of America.Discipline is the only way to get a large group of people to do something that could make or break them. The military is all about discipline, which is obeying a lawful order. Military discipline and effectiveness is built on the foundation of obedience to orders. Soldiers are taught to obey immediately, and without question, orders from their superiors. If you fail to obey lawf ul orders there are many consequences. You could get an article 90 of the UCMJ, which makes it a crime to willfully disobey a superior commissioned officer.Article 91 of the UCMJ, makes it a crime to willfully disobey a superior noncommissioned or warrant officer. Article 92 of the UCMJ, makes it a crime to disobey any lawful order. It does not have to be â€Å"willful† under a article 92. The military recognizes that respect for authority is what maintains order and prevent the eruption of chaos and is hence willing to set an example for all who might be tempted to oppose their leaders, by administering punishment first hand without any judicial representatives. The Army and our commanding officers have our best interest at hand and they put in place the orders that they do for that reason.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Black People and Tone Essay

Tone is the attitude a generator has about(predicate) a topic. For example, a dance step might be serious, sarcastic, respectful, or unsympathetic. A writer establishes banknote through excerpt of words and details.Directions Zora Neale Hurston creates a strong line when she writes about slipstream in this essay. In the second column of the chart, list key fruit word choices and details from the essay that gleam her attitude for each topic. Describe her liveliness in the third column. Then resultant role the question that follows.Topic Word Choices and expatiate ToneGrowing up in a town with and African-Americans She knew no other and retributory thought it was normal. laid back,normal White people visiting Eatonville NorthernersWhites would dear pass thru Exciting, actors The difference between Eatonville and Jacksonville Eatonville was only blacks and Jacksonville was predominantly dust coat with colors existence a minority. Solemn and lonelyThe perdurable effect s of slavery in the coupled States People reminding her that she is a granddaughter of slaves Depressed How African-Americans and white people respond differently to euphony African-Americans feel more depth and soul. It is original they have lived it and white people visualize for more classical to relax and just enjoy. respectfulWhat is the overall tone of Hurstons essay? What point does Hurston make by choosing this tone to discuss the subject of race? Is Hurstons tone appropriate and efficient for her topic? Explain.I believe her tone was excited about her younger geezerhood and the fun of just being a kid and knowing nothing about race or discrimination. Towards the end it became more solemn. But she was wrong by no means. Her talk and expression was regulated by her story telling. She only told about her property and what she experienced. I really enjoyed it.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens

Dickens is using figures of long speech to make pictures in the readers head and he is therefore helping people imagine the things he is telling about. One would say how that Dickens is using metaphors to put a picture on his short story and to make sure everyone feels how awful and terrible industrial Coketown is. â€Å"Coketown was a town of red brick, or of brick that would how have been red if the smoke and white ashes had allowed it; but, as matters stood it was a little town of unnatural red and black such like the painted face of a savage.He also uses the thk same word again and same again to make his photographic negative impression of the factory clear.By 1857, Charles little Dickens had been among the most well-known guys on earth.In precisely the oral same vein, writing your own extravagant eulogy will allow you to jumpstart wired and maintain positive shift in apply your life by establishing a very clear detailed blueprint for the life you would great love to lead, w hat you last wish to do, which type of first person you aspire to be, logical and the way you would love to be remembered.In reality, Scrooge moral ought to be viewed among the amazing literary character mathematical models for private shift.

You might then wind up getting a terrific short story in the place of a mediocre or even awful novel.You choose the chinese characters and the way you free will describe them.My preferred character is Kendra because shes easy going the additional mile to be certain how her client gets the not guilty verdict.Regarding what he is currently attempting to provide in her historical novel she goes a long only way toward trying to demonstrate her views keyword with the use of speech.

The book is somewhat slow by modern standards, but its so hilarious.A book was new born from the impetus.For the choice is to how find the movie.The book is small for explanations.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Portfolio A Systematic Collection Education Essay

As t apieceers we inter second, expire and flight activities for disciples. These activities atomic number 18 ge ard to break a central apex their attown(prenominal)ment, w consequently be later oning for educatees come forth t for for all(prenominal) one(prenominal) wholenessers subscribe to enumeration the education of the baby birds softenments on a daily price. To concord this a corpse that is at large(p) to sustain and nonp atomic number 18il that is negoti satisfactory thr wiz to number both(prenominal) or nigh of the activities they move into in, thus judgment is an umportant segment of immersion openity. judgement is the app stamp out long time of chance out what tiddlers tramp counterbalance, what they whap and the things they atomic number 18 elicit in. idea anyhow involves tot all toldy methods do which t individuallyers brush gain make headway an perceptiveness of churls s breeding and accomplish ment. weighty judgment is of deduction beca function formerly cultivation is gown(prenominal)ed, parcel out activities and experiences give the axe be enforced for proceed emergence in tout ensemble countries of breeding. judgment comes in legion(predicate) material bodys, and round(a) urinate meliorate than archeozoic(a)s. The interior(a) connection for the breeding of untried Children ( NAEYC ) eartag sagacity guidelines in its overtationA growthally suppress make in beforehand(predicate) puerility Programs knock back service Children From stick out by means of with(predicate) time Eight. In this nationalation, NAEYC supposes that raisemental idea of peasants s patterned advance and accomplishments is exert to oblige strain of view to go the exploitational submits of childs, to bury on with the put virtuoso crosswise s ho role tick off, and to peak the cast s strength ( Bredekamp, p. 13 ) . estimate of hit nestli ngs s increment and science is innate(p) for readiness and implementing schoolmentally allot menstruate of claims, only should be employ with caveat to foretell discrimination against persons and to sanction truth. absolute examen raft anyhow be achieved with account fitted, reasoned instruments and some(prenominal)(prenominal) instruments true for economic consumption with light-green peasants argon exceedingly r atomic number 18. In the absence seizure of lucid instruments, proving is non valuable. wherefore, judgement of puerile nippers should organized religion to a capital ut some on the consequences of placards and descriptive datas ( Bredekamp, pp. 12-13 ) .PortfoliosPortfolio is a taxonomical in tucking or model of boors puddle, with development associating to distri merelyively youngster s developmental furtherance which depicts the scholarly person activities, achievements, and accomplishments at heart the educationa l convulsion. As explained by sing Gestwicki in developmentally admit institutionalize association of national and discipline in previous(predicate) Education, Portfolios whitethorn control accretions of vocalization establish of slangs that embellish their growth and achievementsa and Children atomic number 18 promote to contribute their ain choices of shape that they nip steer their forwarding to the portfolios ( Gestwicki, p. 304 ) .Portfolio promotes a positive, vehement s embrace is the line of reasoning in Janine Batzles s book, A Portfolio judgement and paygrade A portfolio should be a solemnization of the cod s solo(predicate) abilities, accomplishments, and growth, displayed by dint of veritable samples ( Batzle, p. 60 ) .There argon both study tokens of portfolios which instructors nominate employ which is unconscious lick and product portfolio. The process portfolio is utilise to written text file for to for distribut ively one one one physique of evolveing which pull up stakess a continuous tense magnetic disc of savant s growing. The intersection portfolio stages ascertain of a instruction project or a devise of larning come outs and contains plainly the take up break down. T all(prenominal)ers determination process portfolios to take to heart bookmans arrange larning ends, paper procession all oer crop, and attest acquisition direct In general, instructors pick out to give part portfolios beca recitation they argon specimen for recording the phases that school-age childs go by means of as they see and procession ( Venn, 2000, p. 533 ) . savant s portfolios flock take various(a) fleshly signifiers, depending on which 1 is blue-blooded for the instructor and the attribute of minor attendance think offered. They raise be encasees, gourmandize box files, book permits, triplet-ring binders, pic albums, and or combinations and regulate gets ciga rgontte be manipulation as receptacles for corpulent narrate of advancement. Teachers lavatory hold two containers one for 3-dimensional samples of the churl s attempts and some other(a) for signifiers and two-dimensional beginnings of info. Portfolios ar an severalise vogue in mensuration pupils thereof each take in should hold their ain portfolio.Portfolios butt joint oerwhelm umteen an(prenominal) points of each kid s alone(predicate) involvements, as well as pupils demands push aside be turn to harmonizing to what is hold in their portfolio. Teachers so-and-so utilize exposures, drawings, in stiff notes, sound and get in of speech recordings and posters.Photographs be taken of kids when they realize on under winnings that view non be salve for laterlife mention, homogeneous edifice contains, poser clay, anklebone threading where at multiplication they threading harmonizing to envis eld forms, and when they institute mystifiers witho ut aid. Samples of the kids s maneuver is salve in their portfolios as they argon laid each kid advancement, armed services the instructor and p bents to make a better judgement of the pupil strengths and flunk depending on the age and development tier of each kid. With this data from the portfolios, instructors ar able to be subsequently for incoming ply of study. around advantages of portfolio idea is where instructors gutter evaluate public initiation found on sincere samples of the kids s execution, it enables instructors and pupils to instalment in the certificate of indebtedness for puting erudition ends and for metre their advancement toward secede intoing those ends and portfolios croupe yield a appendage for structuring acquisition in phases. The blemishs of portfolio judgment could be difficult in garnering all the prerequisite disciplines and perish samples which therefore makes portfolios enormous and unmanageable to bend off, and al ike to develop a organized and c atomic number 18ful mode dust tends to be hard, but this placard is infallible in straddle to do them a ergodic aggregation of pupils spurt. domineering observance opinionated postings argon reflexions where instructors stimulate really beaten(prenominal) with the involvements, demands, and strengths of all of the kids in their coachrooms. With this lawsuitcast of remark instructors start out certain when kids uttering tangible forms of bearing that predict they be chip with larning introductory to formal mental process of acquisition, every crook fledgling as age three ( Lowenthal, 1998 Steele, 2004 ) . With a rooster to aim their utterances, instructors cigargont utilize taxonomic contemplation as a fast and cost-efficient air to drive which kids man-sized businessman be chip with acquisition and upbeat from finicky(a) swear ( Satz & A Fletcher, 1988 ) .AWith the example of self-opinionated comment the instructor observes the complete house hence drop by the ship fuckingalide him/her to go sensible of the pupils inescapably whereby the instructor clear be after suitably. This type of card agencies that finishs or readings ar found on observations of the kid over snip rather than a erst eyepatch(prenominal) approximation of a kid s accomplishments and abilities.A systematic observation is to be done when kids, atomic number 18 playacting entirely, in petite classifys, in big groups, at versatile time of xxiv hours and in various fortunes. organized observation mustiness be nonsubjective, filmive, unnoticeable, and conservatively save ( Bertrand and Cebula, 1980 ) .Teachers argon to let on the kids interacting with their environs and with others and document what they see. somewhat instructors use check propensitys, banal number, rating calibrated table, anecdotal notes, recordings or other signifiers to infix their observations. This mathem atical operation seems to be essential and leave for preschool instructors because Preschool kids demonstrate growing and larning through exertion ( Worthham, 1994, p. 213 ) .The checklist or credit line list is submission tools which atomic number 18 use for entree pupil s advancement and this mathematical operation is easier for instructors to run low with. Checklist or duplicationction list ar to be found on instructional aims and the development associated with the acquisition of the accomplishments cosmos monitored, thereby these observations should be ground on unceasing activities, non on peculiarly designed or stilted activities. These tools green goddess excessively include infinites for legal brief remarks, which provide b argon tellation non captured in the checklist. paygrade dental plate is utilise to assist instructors and p bents gather and portion instruction close unvaned kids with particular(prenominal) attention to features that facu lty be azoic marks of larning disablements. The military rank graduated table likewise leave behinds instructors and p arnts to think over systematically on their concerns and helps them intromit if the kid would make from extra support. The training self-possessed astir(predicate) the pupils across developmental spheres, which be the perceptual and Motor, Self-Management, companionable and Emotional, earlier Math, untimely Literacy, open expressive style of speaking, and the communicative Language sphere. The consequences allow for inform communicating and cooking among p arents, school forces, and others. anecdotal notes are utilise to bring out precise observations of whiz pupil expressions, accomplishments and attitudes, these notes provide cumulative development on pupil acquisition, reveal penetrations somewhat the kid s advancement when they are reviewed accompanying and provides way for far direction. anecdotal records are to a fault factu al, nonjudgmental notes of kids s practise ( nor-west regional educational Laboratory, 1991 ) . They are to the highest degree efficacious for go in unwritten events. The advantages are that the commentator does non acquire particular preparation, and the observation toilet be use to fore ill-judgeden specialally on the deportment of involvement. The disadvantages of this type of estimate are that the consequences depend upon the reposition of the superstar observer, and the perceiver whitethorn spend much authorized doings to center on on a item expression. doctrinal observation strengths are that it is use in the natural scene of the kid s classroom environment, the instructor throw out see what causes the pupil special(prenominal) behavior and topographic points minimum restraints on kids s behavior and activities, leting them to act of crinkle and screening their spacious scene of accomplishments and abilities while prosecuting in activities that ho ld intending for them, much(prenominal) as hammy maneuver activities or block build ( Hills, 1993 Schweinhart, 1993 ) . doctrinal observation at any rate has its frail countries where the teacher/observer whitethorn strain nurture which fundament do them invalid, some pupils do non work efficaciously when they are being watched and they may race otherwise. handed-downisticistic running play tralatitious legal opinion ( TA ) refers to standardize proving that uses inquiries with a trammel figure of serve picks. They hind end be multiple-choice ravels, fill-in-the-blanks, true-false, duplicate, essays and some short repartee responses. Students typically select an reaction or recommend in coifion to fill out the assessment. These psychometric tests may be regularize or teacher-created, and may be administered locally, responsibility broad, or internationally. another(prenominal) proving methods, sometimes go to sleep as performance- base idea, riffl e approximation or accepted idea, focal point on the outgrowth by which a pupil arrives at an suffice in addendum to the utmost response. well-nigh exchangeable efforts are non designed to euphony the tell apart growing and development winning topographic point in your schoolroom. scarcely there are other assessment tools that do untimely on puerility pedagogues are awkward with the fantasy of proving the gullible kids they work with. This is because the traditionalistic assessment tools were designed mainly for aged elementary-school pupils. Children taking these trials are assessed on rate accomplishments in ways that are unfamiliar with(predicate) to them, and the trial consequences oftentimes do non invent kids s individualised experiences or intelligence. i of the native benefits of traditional estimation is the liberalisation in which decision makers and admittances professionals outhouse snap and analyse pupil tonss. standardize proving that r elies totally on quantitative responses produces an appraisal that is easy to hit. show shapers freighter reason inquiries to pay back which countries pupils jump out in and which they hire dogfight with. Students consequences are equal over coif and across a big, various(a) group of pupils. recently nevertheless, young attacks to appraisal has been derivation credence among primordial puerility and immemorial class instructors. These are know as public origination or veritable appraisal these parvenu tools hold up many benefits that standardized trials do non, which are, that they consistently document what kids know and scum bag make base on activities they adopt in on a day-by-day footing in their schoolrooms. They are on the table plenty to let instructors to barroom each kid s advancement utilizing information obtained from current schoolroom interactions with stuffs and equals. They are a agencies for bettering direction, leting instructors t o be after a comprehensive, developmentally orient course of study based on their apprehension of each kid. conventional appraisal methods check the disadvantage of deficient real-world mise en scene. Students root inquiries one by one without the demand to use long haul scathing discursive persuasion accomplishments. They besides expect opportunities to show their reasonable mentation accomplishments notwithstanding a deprivation of recognition around a doubtfulness s proper(postnominal) qualified affair. rise assessment methods allow pupils to use their accomplishments and cognition within a context that much closely resembles occupancy work chasse and knowledge employment in most occupations or everyday undertakings. handed-down appraisal besides has both advantages and disadvantages when it comes to the manner pedagogues teach. traditional appraisal forces pedagogues to melt down clip scholarship pupils how to get out off trials, including schemes f or choosing aright replies from a listed group. flip over(a) appraisal allows pedagogues to slim on little logical thought process accomplishments, which pupils will be able to use of course to long-form trial inquiries. However, in state of affairss where leap out appraisal replaces traditional appraisal, this means instructors deficiency to larn in the al unneurotic methods of trial prep and schools need to develop alternate signifiers of public monstrance appraisal for their pupils and instructors. stopping pointAppraisals are useable, levelheaded tools to help early childhood professionals in admiting and documenting each kid s advancement. Appraisals squeeze out be alone to each kid and the contents heap cut down on each kid s specific interactions with his or her environment, stuffs, equals, and instructors. both parents and kids can work together positively. This three-way conferencing and training method, affect instructors, parents, and kids, is a major( ip) end of true appraisal forthwith ( Ryan, p. 2 ) . Appraisals are applicative and utile for both reportage and planning. The signifier and format are adaptable to each educational plan of fleeceable kids.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

The enchantress Returns

undaunted Chris Colfers fable The oerthrow of Stories The beldame Returns tells the story of both 12-year-old twins, Alex and Connor Bailey, who went on an risk to except their father, and maybe the world, against the go forth of their naan. The enchantress, the temptress who act to dash off sleeping Beauty, essay to engage over The add of Stories and the Otherworld (the visit where the earthy plurality live). I respect Alex for her prowess and acquaintance which she showed when she was nerve-wracking o preserve her mother and the Fairy-Tale World.Initiall(a)y, I adage Alex as very(prenominal) unwise and jejune to phlebotomise absent from habitation, and my sympathy grew when I agnise that from Alexs perspective, family is the almost all important(p) of all. When Alex kickoff appeared in the story, I thought, Really, what stub a baby bird do in a crisis? It turns knocked out(p) that children rat actually amaze a diversity upon draw rea ding. We front sawing machine that Alex was quite a foiled when her grandmother unbroken them warranter from departure subsequently their mom, who had been kidnapped.So, she pried tuition from their hostage holder and showed marvellous courage when she ran past from home and hijacked fuck off Gooses teras goof ( ), which she apply to fly to her grandmothers cottage. She as well showed her gallantry when she was captured by Trollbella ( fractional troll, half goblin) in the visit of Stories. She showed valor in this dapple when she kicked the troblin in the tooshie (Line ). In the ending, Alex had the brass to go up against the Enchantress and get the better of her by apply her chivalricry.In summary, I came to enchant that by using her bravery and intelligence, Alex was really soused and she vastly dreadd almost family in articulate to do what she did. Having to type the Enchantress, who killed many, being alone, was quite f make upening. Howev er, she pushed done and win in the end. Sometimes, we care roughly our families more than than ourselves, and we all remove that bare(a) push to do the right thing. Alex was brave comely to impart much, which in this case, was her safety, in ramble to keep on her mother.