Thursday, May 30, 2019

Evaluation of The Woman In Black Essay -- Drama

Evaluation of The Woman In BlackOn the 26/6/05 we went to see a performance called the women in rawwith all the pupils who chose drama as their gcse. We made our way tothe coach and got ready to leave. The coach drove into London andeveryone was very enthusiastic about seeing this meetfulness as it wassupposed to be scary and most people there hadnt been to the theatre.First we went to the theatre where we were given a preview of howthey used redness and sound on the stage. I was incredibly interestedat how the lighting was such a big part in a performance It alterthe whole mood of the audience meaning that the sound and lightingdirector can control our mood before the actors even get on the stage.This I think is vital for the actors, for example if the lights werevery bright and you were trying to pull of a scary scene it justwouldnt work or it would be very hard to pull off. But if the lightswere dim or even on black out then the mood would change, darkness isa near tool to u se, but used too often can ruin a play. Darknessplayed a major part in the play it was used two or three times, butonly one being used to scare the audience. This created tension assometimes, nothing scary would pass along when the lights got dim. Soundswere also used with the lighting to create or make you use yourimagination on the stage. Different sounds were played, but I foundthat the best caper they used was the journey the main characterdoes on the...

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